My website is updated! There is new work! It is all small, affordable, and deeply connected to this crazy year.

What a year. Sometimes, when things are really dark and murky I just lower my head and try to keep taking small steps forward. There are stops, and starts. Long pauses and short. I usually feel like nothing gets accomplished. 2020 has shown me that small steps are still worthwhile steps. As everything around me is swirling and changing I feel like my art time is getting squeezed by all the other needs, and it is. But, I had already decided to experiment with smaller works, and my art has became the thing that is achievable, doable, comfortable, and has helped me to process what is going on. Once I decided that my quarantine art had NO end goal, that it was just for me, it really started to feel open and full of what I needed. Looking back I am surprisingly happy to find many good pieces and ideas that I will be able to take into 2021.
So, November has me looking back, redoing the website, feeling happy with the pieces that I am able to share for sale (and the ones that have already found homes)!. And thankful. For so many things.